Update Notification
The updatenotification
module is one of the default modules of the MagicMirror. This will display a message whenever a new version of the MagicMirror application is available.
Using the module
To use this module, add it to the modules array in the config/config.js
modules: [
module: "updatenotification",
position: "top_center", // This can be any of the regions.
config: {
// The config property is optional.
// See 'Configuration options' for more information.
Configuration options
The following properties can be configured:
Option | Description |
updateInterval | How often do you want to check for a new version? This value represents the interval in milliseconds. Possible values: Any value above 60000 (1 minute) Default value: 600000 (10 minutes) |
ignoreModules | An array of module names that should not check for update. Example: ["MMM-ExampleModule1", "MMM-ExampleModule2"] .You can exclude MagicMirror by adding "MagicMirror" to the array. Default value: [] (empty array, no modules) |
sendUpdatesNotifications | Allow to broadcast update with UPDATES notification to other modules. Default value: false |
updates | Array of updates modules commands. Default value: [] (see bellow) |
updateTimeout | Maximum Update duration before cancel it. Default Value: 120000 (2 minutes) |
updateAutorestart | Restart automaticaly MagicMirror² after update is done. Default Value: false |
is an array of command for updating 3rd party modules modules
It consists of an object containing the name of the module and the associated update command
modules: [
module: "updatenotification",
position: "top_center", // This can be any of the regions.
config: {
updates: [
// array of module update commands
// update of MMM-Test with embed npm script
"MMM-Test": "npm run update",
// update of MMM-OtherSample with "complex" process command
"rm -rf package-lock.json && git reset --hard && git pull && npm install",
// update of MMM-OtherSample2 with git pull && npm install command
"MMM-OtherSample2": "git pull && npm install",
// update of MMM-OtherSample3 with a simple git pull
"MMM-OtherSample3": "git pull",
Note: Don’t hesitate to ask the module developer for the ideal command to update their module.
Developer notes
Broadcast notifications (notifications send to modules)
Notification | Description | Requirement |
UPDATES | When updates are available, an Array of updatable modules is sended. This is the best way to update your own module! (a guide will be available soon) Note: It will not include default modules and MagicMirror. Example: ["MMM-MyOwnModule","MMM-Test"] | sendUpdatesNotifications: true |
Received notification (notifications send from modules)
Notification | Description |
SCAN_UPDATES | Allow force scanning any updates from other modules |