# Update Notification

The updatenotification module is one of the default modules of the MagicMirror. This will display a message whenever a new version of the MagicMirror application is available.

# Using the module

To use this module, add it to the modules array in the config/config.js file:

modules: [
    module: "updatenotification",
    position: "top_center", // This can be any of the regions.
    config: {
      // The config property is optional.
      // See 'Configuration options' for more information.

# Configuration options

The following properties can be configured:

Option Description
updateInterval How often do you want to check for a new version? This value represents the interval in milliseconds.

Possible values: Any value above 60000 (1 minute)
Default value: 600000 (10 minutes)
ignoreModules An array of module names that should not check for update.

Example: ["MMM-ExampleModule1", "MMM-ExampleModule2"].
You can exclude MagicMirror by adding "MagicMirror" to the array.
Default value: [] (empty array, no modules)
sendUpdatesNotifications Allow to broadcast update with UPDATES notification to other modules.

Default value: false
updates Array of updates modules commands.
Default value: [] (see bellow)
updateTimeout Maximum Update duration before cancel it.
Default Value: 120000 (2 minutes)
updateAutorestart Restart automaticaly MagicMirror² after update is done.
Default Value: false

# updates Array

updates is an array of command for updating 3rd party modules modules

It consists of an object containing the name of the module and the associated update command


modules: [
    module: "updatenotification",
    position: "top_center", // This can be any of the regions.
    config: {
      updates: [
        // array of module update commands
          // update of MMM-Test with embed npm script
          "MMM-Test": "npm run update",
          // update of MMM-OtherSample with "complex" process command
            "rm -rf package-lock.json && git reset --hard && git pull && npm install",
          // update of MMM-OtherSample2 with git pull && npm install command
          "MMM-OtherSample2": "git pull && npm install",
          // update of MMM-OtherSample3 with a simple git pull
          "MMM-OtherSample3": "git pull",

Note: Don’t hesitate to ask the module developer for the ideal command to update their module.

# Developer notes

# Broadcast notifications (notifications send to modules)

Notification Description Requirement
UPDATES When updates are available, an Array of updatable modules is sended.
This is the best way to update your own module! (a guide will be available soon)
Note: It will not include default modules and MagicMirror.

Example: ["MMM-MyOwnModule","MMM-Test"]
sendUpdatesNotifications: true

# Received notification (notifications send from modules)

Notification Description
SCAN_UPDATES Allow force scanning any updates from other modules