# Weather Module Weather Provider Development

This document describes the way to develop your own MagicMirror² weather provider for the weather module.

# The weather provider file: yourprovider.js

This is the script in which the weather provider will be defined. In its most simple form, the weather provider must implement the following:

WeatherProvider.register("yourprovider", {
  providerName: "YourProvider",

  fetchCurrentWeather() {},

  fetchWeatherForecast() {},

# Weather provider methods to implement


The weather module expects the weather data to be in metric units:

  • degree celsius for temperatures
  • meters per second for wind

Some weather APIs already deliver their data in those units.

If that is not the case you can use helper methods from the weatherutils.js class to convert the data.

# fetchCurrentWeather()

This method is called when the weather module tries to fetch the current weather of your provider. The implementation of this method is required for current weather support. The implementation can make use of the already implemented function this.fetchData(url, method, data);, which is returning a promise. After the response is processed, the current weather information (as a WeatherObject) needs to be set with this.setCurrentWeather(currentWeather);. It will then automatically refresh the module DOM with the new data.

# fetchWeatherForecast()

This method is called when the weather module tries to fetch the weather of your provider. The implementation of this method is required for forecast support. The implementation can make use of the already implemented function this.fetchData(url, method, data);, which is returning a promise. After the response is processed, the weather forecast information (as an array of WeatherObjects) needs to be set with this.setWeatherForecast(forecast);. It will then automatically refresh the module DOM with the new data.

# fetchWeatherHourly()

This method is called when the weather module tries to fetch the weather of your provider. The implementation of this method is required for hourly support. The implementation can make use of the already implemented function this.fetchData(url, method, data);, which is returning a promise. After the response is processed, the hourly weather forecast information (as an array of WeatherObjects) needs to be set with this.setWeatherHourly(forecast);. It will then automatically refresh the module DOM with the new data.

# Weather Provider instance methods

# init()

Called when a weather provider is initialized.

# setConfig(config)

Called to set the config, this config is the same as the weather module's config.

# start()

Called when the weather provider is about to start.

# currentWeather()

This returns a WeatherDay object for the current weather.

# weatherForecast()

This returns an array of WeatherDay objects for the weather forecast.

# weatherHourly()

This returns an array of WeatherDay objects for the hourly weather forecast.

# fetchedLocation()

This returns the name of the fetched location or an empty string.

# setCurrentWeather(currentWeatherObject)

Set the currentWeather and notify the delegate that new information is available.

# setWeatherForecast(weatherForecastArray)

Set the weatherForecastArray and notify the delegate that new information is available.

# setWeatherHourly(weatherHourlyArray)

Set the weatherHourlyArray and notify the delegate that new information is available.

# setFetchedLocation(name)

Set the fetched location name.

# updateAvailable()

Notify the delegate that new weather is available.

# fetchData(url, method, data)

A convenience function to make requests. It returns a promise.

# WeatherObject

This object holds all data from your provider for usage in the template.

Property Type Value/Unit
date object Moment.js (opens new window) object of the time/date.
windSpeed number Speed of the wind in metric: meter/second
windDirection number Direction of the wind in degrees.
sunrise object Moment.js (opens new window) object of sunrise.
sunset object Moment.js (opens new window) object of sunset.
temperature number Current temperature in metric celsius degree.
minTemperature number Lowest temperature of the day in metric celsius degree.
maxTemperature number Highest temperature of the day in metric celsius degree.
weatherType string Icon name of the weather type.
Possible values: WeatherIcons (opens new window)
humidity number Percentage of humidity
rain number Metric: millimeters
Imperial: inches
snow number Metric: millimeters
Imperial: inches
precipitation number Metric: millimeters
Imperial: inches
UK Met Office provider: percent

# Current weather

For the current weather object the following properties are required:

  • humidity
  • sunrise
  • sunset
  • temperature
  • weatherType
  • windDirection
  • windSpeed

# Weather forecast

For the forecast weather object the following properties are required:

  • date
  • maxTemperature
  • minTemperature
  • rain
  • weatherType